Request Site Radiation Works
If you require Flawed to undertake site radiography or gamma testing at your facility, please complete this form. This is a legal requirement in line with Ionising Radiation Regulation 2017.
Before completing this form, you need to consider if your item can be tested within a radiography compound. If not, because of size, weight or item fitted in situ such as a site weld then you can continue with site radiography.
All site based radiography, unless an emergency situation, requires 7 days pre-notice. Your request should be 7 days from the date of completing this form. If this is not possible due to an emergency, please select Yes under 7 day waiver required, and Flaweds Radiation Protection Supervisor will request a waiver from the Health and Safety Executive's radiation team. The waiver will need to be granted by the HSE before we can progress.